Skinna is a team project worked in a group of 7

Icelandic Cod Fish
Iceland is a great fishing nation and therefore ideal to use the fish in various ways. However, we wondered how we could improve the fish market and decided to use the rod to make fish crisps and we know our idea makes the market even bigger and more sustainable considering how many tons of fish rod are wasted each day.

This idea was far beyond our comfort zones as none of us had made a food related project before. We needed to seek help, and we asked everyone from chefs to our grandmothers for advises.

The Cooking Process
The rod was first cleaned then dried, seasoned, and heated in the oven until it became crispy. Then it is taken out and broken down into appropriate sized pieces and packed.
The result of the production was quite time-consuming but fun and Instructive.

The Fish Crisps
By consuming our crisps, you are reducing food waste as well as eating healthy, good and nutritious snack.
Fish skin contains lots of protein and vitamins, including Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. Consumption of fish skin can also contribute to muscle growth, improved heart health and healthier skin.

Creating something new is always a risk, but throughout the process people were very enthusiastic and excited about the product.
New healthy snacks are always coming to the market but what makes Skinna special is that we use fresh cod skin, which is usually thrown away, into very healthy crisps.

The Final Product
Consumption of fish has decreased significantly over the years and many people do not eat fish anymore.
We want as many people as possible to see the opportunities and possibilities in cod skin as we did and start using them instead of throwing them away.